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Yep, the rumours are true – we’re hosting our own mini-festival in partnership with Ken Fest!
On Saturday 20th August, we’ll be welcoming the Ken Fest team back to our South London Taproom for ‘Beats at the Brewery’ – an all-day party with live music and DJs.
Ken Fest is a grass roots festival that normally takes place in an ancient woodland in Oxted, Surrey. Set up by Sandy Kenny in 2016, the usual festival can’t take place this year BUT they will be bringing the spirit of the festival (along with the music acts and DJs) to our London Taproom for a one-day ‘Beats at the Brewery’ event.
Music on the day will include dance, disco, house and RnB classics and your ticket (priced from just £5) will also give you entrance to the after-party (at The Railway Tavern in Tulse Hill).

Obviously, Signal’s craft beer will be available fresh from the tap (alongside a range of cocktails and spirits) and food will also be available throughout the day.
More information (including the line-up) will be released nearer the time, but CLICK HERE to get your tickets before they go!
We spoke to Sandy to learn more about Ken Fest (which will be back in it’s usual location on 18th and 19th August 2023)…
“I started KenFest in 2016 as a very simple idea, to host a party to raise money for a charity event I was taking part in. I put the idea out to my friends and the local community, and the idea snowballed instantly into something much bigger than I expected. The past few years we’ve run with the momentum and support shown by our community, slowly growing the event, making gradual improvements as we go and delivering a great party each year.”
But it’s not all about the party. The Ken Fest ethos is strongly rooted in positive community action.
“We now raise funds for a local charity called Clockwork, who specialise in helping young adults with their mental health. It is important for people to be aware of mental health issues, to start challenging and changing the narratives around this issue and also that people who need professional help get it. We’re working with Clockwork to signpost and connect these dots in a festival setting, and provide resources which are otherwise lacking in the public sphere”.
In addition, Ken Fest is striving to create a carbon neutral event.
“Unlike many of the larger festivals and corporations in the world who choose to ignore the Climate Crisis and bury their heads in the sand, we are committed to our responsibility in making sure we do all we can to minimise our environmental impact”.
One of the ways in which they do this is by working with ecodisco to operate a reusable cup system. “Ecodisco cups are collected, returned, washed and sent back out to other events to be used up to 500 times! At the end of their life-cycle they are recycled and reused again creating a full circular economy. All you have to do is leave your cup at the festival”. (not take it home, throw it on the floor or put in the bin!).
Other ways Ken Fest work to keen the festival green are through power supply (“the majority of our energy on site comes from the most eco-friendly generators available. We work with our power supplier to work out our total usage and off-set our carbon usage with sustainable, regenerative projects”) and Sand Ash Trays (“Cigarette butts and filters do not bio-degrade, and their fibres take years to breakdown so we encourage guests to use sand ash trays dotted around the site, rather than dropping them”.